Author Pam Frame

Pam Frame

Pam Frame's "Wending Our Way" Devotions

Enjoy these selections from the last 90 days of Pam's "Wending Our Way" devotions. The devotions are listed in descending order by date with the most recent devotion at the top. Click here if you would like to read the Walter Mouse devotions.

If you would like to receive Walter's "Field Mouse Evangelism" devotions and Pam's "Wending Our Way" devotions in your email each week, you can sign-up at the Subscribe page of this website.

Wending Our Way...

Comforting Thought

January 29, 2025

John 10:14 ...I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep....
Larry and I met my sister for lunch recently. Her son had set up her phone to open with face-recognition and since we're twins, we wondered if the phone would open after viewing MY face. I held her phone up to my face...and it opened right away! We both got a laugh out of that.
The whole thing reminded me of Jesus because He would never look at you and confuse you with someone else. Down through the ages, there's ever been and always will be only one YOU and He recognizes you instantly. What a comforting thought!
Wending Our Way...


January 28, 2025

Jonah 1:17 ...but the LORD provided a great fish to swallow Jonah....
Take a minute to read Jonah if you're not familiar with his story. It's only three chapters long! Basically, God directs Jonah to go to Nineveh and "preach against it" because of the great wickedness of the people there. But Jonah, completely uninterested in the Ninevite's plight, hops a ship to Tarshish. A violent storm arises, the sailors figure out that Jonah's presence has caused it, and they throw him into the sea. And...a "great fish" swims up and has lunch and Jonah has free housing for three days.
I love verse 1:17: "But the LORD provided...." Jonah was headed off in the wrong direction, as were the Ninevite's, so God provided. The fish wasn't a punishment. It was a provision. It provided a pathway to safety for Jonah and the Ninevites.
So it is in life sometimes. What doesn't look like provision at the time may turn out to be provision-ing.
Wending Our Way...


January 27, 2025

Judges 19:20 ..."You are welcome at my house," the old man said.
I stopped in at Kohl's a few weeks ago. As I approached the door, a woman scooted in front of me, opened the door, went in, slammed the door in my face and raced off on whatever her undertaking was. I don't think she was being mean. I think she was on a mission and was oblivious to what or who was around her.
Anyway, her action was very unwelcoming but it did remind me of Jesus because He would never slam the door in anyone's face. He holds the door open for everyone (even those who don't know Him yet) as He welcomes all who choose to walk with Him. All are welcome at His House.
Wending Our Way...


January 24, 2025

Psalms 18:4 ...the torrents of destruction over-whelmed me....
I don't read fantasy/sci-fi much but over the summer I read an animal fantasy in which the Bad Rats battled the Good Mice for control of the Mouse Kingdom. It turned out to be an entertaining story. I particularly enjoyed one rat's involvement. A loyal but basically stupid creature, he had a comical way of expressing himself. Once, in hand-to-hand (or should I say paw-to-paw) combat with a squadron of Warrior Mice, he turned to his Rat Captain and said, "I'm getting whelmed-over here!!"
I know the feeling! Sometimes life comes at me so fast and furiously that it's hard to keep up. This move has whelmed me over frequently, but now that we're in our new place, things are settling down a bit.
Three things have helped as I fought my way through the housing transition: 1. I purposely slowed down wherever I could. 2. I tried to eat right so as to keep up my strength. 3. I put as much Me Time into each day as I could. This all helped me feel less drained. The move was well worth it, but I'm certainly ready for a more peaceful life!!
Wending Our Way...

St. Nikodimos

January 23, 2025

1 Peter 2:11 ...abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul.
In The Philokalia, which is a collection of texts from the 4th to the 15th centuries, written to guide and instruct monks, Nikodimos points out that when we sin, we should examine our thoughts, because if we hadn't entertained sinful thoughts, our bodies wouldn't have carried those thoughts forward into action.
So - what do we do when errant thoughts threaten to lead us astray? I always think of prayer, distraction and activity. Praying for strength is beneficial but I generally need something more, so distracting myself with a good book or knitting or a crossword puzzle will often absorb my wandering thoughts. Any kind of physical activity helps, too, especially if it requires a bit of concentration.
Sinful thoughts really do wage war within us sometimes. They require constant vigilance and dedicated resistance.
Wending Our Way...


January 22, 2025

Isaiah 4:2,6 ... The Branch of the LORD...will be a shelter...and a refuge and a hiding place from the storm and the rain.
Ride the waves with me~
Keep me steady in the storm~
My Redeemer-Friend.
Wending Our Way...

Be Nice!!

January 21, 2025

1 Corinthians 3:16 yourselves are God's temple....
I recently read an interesting article about trees that dominate an area by releasing (through their roots) a chemical that prevents other plants from growing nearby. Quite a few trees do this: black walnut, pine, sugar maple, black locust, sassafras, planetree, sumac and tree of heaven. They take over areas by force and crowd out other vegetation.
I've known several people like that. Their dominant personalities or excessive neediness drain the life resources out of those who come near.
I've finally learned to reduce contact with those who exhaust me. This has been a struggle for me because I grew up with the rule: "Be nice to everyone and everyone will be nice to you." (This is certainly true some of the time but certainly not always.) I've finally learned that sometimes the person I need to be nice to is ME!!
Wending Our Way...

Christmas Baseball

January 20, 2025

Proverbs 9:9 ...a righteous man will add to his learning.
Here's an amusing (and true) Christmas story. I was talking to a woman who had just finished trimming her Christmas tree when her three-year-old grandson appeared. "I'm gonna play baseball!" he announced in a loud voice. "Oh," she replied, "and where's the bat?" Her question prompted the little guy to show her a hefty stick he'd been holding behind his back. "OK," she said, as she went along with the conversational flow. "And where's the ball?" In answer to her question he grabbed a glass ball from the tree, tossed it in the air, swung at it - and hit it dead on!! As you might expect, the stick survived but the ornament didn't.
I'm not sure what happened next, but Grandma related this story with a twinkle in her eye, so I'm sure it had a happy ending (and probably provided a learning experience as well).
My take-home here: We often we take our best shot based on what we know at the time. If things don't quite work out as expected, learn what you can, pick up the pieces, ask for help if you need it, forgive yourself - and move on.
Wending Our Way...

Moving On! #5

January 17, 2025

Ephesians 3:18 ...may you have grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ....
My sister was telling me that she was cleaning out one of her kitchen cabinets and WAY in the back she found a box of prunes - from 2017!! Time to let go of THOSE!!
This reminded me of yesterday's move. We've been at it since mid-June, and since we're downsizing, we've gotten rid of a lot of stuff. It's so hard to decide what goes and what stays. We had to sort through and triage stuff as we went along: absolute necessities stayed, as did our favorite or most- useful things. A lot of things we liked but didn't have room for had to disappear. It all worked out OK and now our new place isn't cluttered with extra belongings.
Naturally this all reminded me of Jesus. That's because He doesn't triage people. All are equally loved and equally welcomed into the heavenly realms. He never lets go of anyone who invites Him into their hearts and lives. Hallelujah!!
Wending Our Way...

Moving On! #4

January 16, 2025

2 Peter 3:18 ...grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Today's our actual moving day!! I'm a bit excited and a bit nervous, but I'm sure things will work out OK. One of the blessings of being a Christian is that while we have troubles aplenty here on earth, we also have spiritual as well as emotional and physical lives - and this gives us resilience.
Spiritual lives help us spring back after we've gotten bent out of shape by life's cares, after we've been stretching to meet the never-ending demands of chronic difficulties, or after we've been squashed by life's troubles and challenges.
Spiritual lives allow us to rest in God's care, even amid difficulties. It means that our lives aren't only about the business of life, but also about Relationship, Rest and Rejuvenation as we plod along toward heaven.
Wending Our Way...

Moving On! #3

January 15, 2025

Isaiah 54:10 unfailing love for you will not be shaken...
Trusting the sequence of events involved in this move has been tough in spots. There have been lots of questions so far but not many answers. Did we make the right decision to move? Is now the right time? Are we headed to the right place? Did we choose the right apartment? Will the house sell?? Can we afford this? How will we adjust to a new, smaller place? What if it snows on moving day? On and on it goes.
I suspects God sometimes foists change on me so that I'm in spots where He can prove His faithfulness to me. My head understands this faithfulness thing but my heart gets shaky about it sometimes. I also think my faith is strengthened as I wend my way through my concerns and can then look back on the LORD's faithfulness. (Hanging out under a beach umbrella with bonbons and a good book would certainly be more fun than moving, but it wouldn't grow my trust in the LORD's provision.)
The faithfulness thing works both ways. In tough times, God wants to display His faithfulness to me, but He also wants my faithfulness to Him to remain steady. Sharing hands and hearts as we clatter along strengthens trust and faith.
Wending Our Way...

Moving On! #2

January 14, 2025

Isaiah 54:2 ...Enlarge the place of your tent....
This whole world of moving has certainly been an adventure! There's been so much to do, arrangements to make and people to contact. We've been frustratingly busy but it's also been interesting to get a brief view into the lives of different people.
We've talked at length with the Residency Counselor at our new apartment, chatted with several new neighbors, worked with our realtor, and with our mover, and connected with various other service people who were instrumental in our transition. These contacts have given me insights into others' lives in areas I haven't much explored before. I've also developed greater compassion for others' cares and concerns.
Sometimes I think God leads me into new areas or endeavors partly to grow me emotionally, physically or spiritually, but also to "enlarge the place of my tent" - to expand my area of influence in His Name. As I follow His lead, I grow into the next phase of my calling.
Wending Our Way...

Moving On! #1

January 13, 2025

Romans 8:28 ...we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him.
Our moving date is Jan. 16...almost here! I look back on all those months of exploring; packing; discarding; comparing; deciding; sorting; phoning; accommodating others' foibles, needs, schedules and ineptitudes; confirming dates and clearing up misunderstandings. It's been exhausting and there have been a lot of hurry-up-and-wait times, too. We've done a lot of adjusting these last few months.
The dictionary says that 'adjust' means to move something in order to get a better fit (we adjust a coat we've just put on) or to get a desired result (we adjust the heat on the stove in order to cook food properly).
To me, 'adjust' means to absorb change as I encounter it, observe it, make my way through it and finally receive the blessings it provides. The journey may be difficult at times, but I've learned to trust that I'll come out at a good place in the end.
Wending Our Way... Silence

January 10, 2025

Ecclesiastes 3:7 ...a time to be silent and a time to speak.
Quite a while ago I read a novel in which a stoic, taciturn New Englander "pulled on his boots and hat in silence" and went out to tackle the latest snowfall. For some reason, I read the sentence as he "pulled on his boots and hat and silence." Hmmmm!
"Pulling on silence." Not a bad way to go sometimes. Pulling on silence could prevent verbal escalations, anxiety-ridden thoughts and judgmental observations and it could help to bring about internal peace. (PS. 122:8) We definitely need to speak up at times, but sometimes silence brings blessings as well.
'Silent' is thought to have originated from a Gothic word indicating that the wind had died down. You know the earthly peace that silence brings on stormy days. If we "pull on silence" we can often find that same glorious peace within.
Wending Our Way...


January 9, 2025

Psalms 3:3 are a shield around me, O LORD....
At the end of one local street out by 422 there's a commercial property entirely surrounded by a chain-link Rent-a- Fence. An older building was torn down and a Taco Bell is under construction. The fence keeps vandals and curiosity-seekers away and can be returned to the rental company when Taco Bell is ready to open.
Naturally the fence reminds me of Jesus. That's because He, too, is a "Fence," a Guardian and a Protector. The neatest thing is that we don't have to rent Him or return Him. All we have to do is invite Him in and He's with us forever - Guardian, Guard, Lover and Friend.
Wending Our Way...

Fear Of Noise - And Fear Of Falling

January 8, 2025

James 4:7 ...Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
Way back in college I read that babies have only two in-born fears: loud noises and falling. All other fears are taught. (That's a hard one to wrap your head around!)
I think Satan knows this, too, and it explains in part how he gets his hooks into us. He mostly avoids noise and awareness of falling in his initial attempts to influence us. He sneaks up on us and quietly tempts us with whatever his chosen sin happens to be. Often, we have no strong sense of having fallen until we're hooked on whatever evil plot he has unleashed upon us.
God's ways are also quiet and steer us away from falls but the outcome as we follow His path is always better than following Satan's beguiling temptations.
Wending Our Way...


January 7, 2025

Psalms 56:3 ...When I am afraid, I will trust in you.
God is still writing your story. Don't steal the pen. Trust the author.
Wending Our Way...

Next One Mile

January 6, 2025

Psalms 13:5 ...I trust in your unfailing love....
Another year is under way. I wonder what it'll bring. There's no way to tell except to live through it.
This reminds me of a traffic sign I saw the other day. The top half was empty and the bottom half read: "Next One Mile." I had no way to predict what was ahead. I just had to keep on keeping on.
Life's like that, too. There's no way to foresee what the next mile or the next moment or month or year will bring. All we can do is trust the Hand that leads us and the Heart that holds Eternity.
Wending Our Way...

Reduction Prayer #3

January 3, 2025

Hebrews 13:12 ...keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters.
Here's the last Reduction prayer...from today's scripture.
Keep on loving each other as brothers and sisters. Keep on loving each other.... Keep on loving.... Keep on!
Wending Our Way...

Reduction Prayer #2

January 2, 2025

Psalms 73:28 ...the nearness of God is good for me.... (NASB)
Here's another Reduction Prayer...based on today's scripture:
The nearness of God is good for me. The nearness of God is good. The nearness of God....
Wending Our Way...

Reduction Prayer #1

January 1, 2025

1 Corinthians 14:15 ...I will pray with my spirit....
Here's a way to offer a prayer, meander through a meditation, or memorize a scripture. I don't use this all the time, but occasionally it's inspirational and refreshing to look at things in a different way. Start with a single line from a song or a scripture and keep repeating it gently as you drop a word or two from the end of the line. Here's one based on Kris Kristofferson's 1970's song, "Help Me Make It Thru the Night."
Help me make it thru the night. Help me make it thru. Help me! HELP!!!!
Wending Our Way...

Dulcimer #2

December 31, 2024

1 Corinthians 14:7 will anyone know what tune is being played unless there is a distinction in the notes?
Back to my sister's dulcimer group again. They usually play in 4/4 time but someone in the group was playing 2/4 time recently, which messed up the fluidity of the song they were playing, which happened to be Jingle Bells.
With timing signatures (like 4/4, 2/4, 2/2, 3/8, 6/8...), the top number tells how many beats are in a measure and the bottom note tells what kind of note counts as a beat. So ¾ time means three quarter notes per measure. It's really a matter of assigning importance to bits of information. Different tempos assign different importance to the available notes.
How does all this help us? Today, time signatures focused my attention on the various ways musical notes can be stressed or arranged. It made me realize that people work the same way: we all have the capacity to stress (give more importance to) different things. (For instance, Larry and I like neatness in our home but my sister is a much more relaxed housekeeper.)My take-away: There's nothing wrong with different time signatures amongst musical notes or people. Diversity is a gift.
Wending Our Way...

Dulcimer # 1

December 30, 2024

1 Chronicles 15:16 ...accompanied by musical instruments....
My sister leads a dulcimer group. They practice twice a month. One of her recent sessions didn't go well at all. Folks just couldn't keep the music together. Suddenly it hit my sister: most of the people were playing 4/4 timing but one person was playing 2/4 timing. No wonder the music wouldn't come together! Once she got that straightened out, things improved rapidly.
It works the same in life. Some folks are set at one speed and others are set at another speed. No wonder the timing of things gets mixed up along the way on occasion.
Sometimes it makes things easier if we simply take notice of the tempos surrounding us and adjust our speed accordingly. Doing so helps maintain fluidity and makes life easier for everyone.
Wending Our Way...

Christmas Peace #6

December 28, 2024

Psalms 34:14 ...Seek peace and pursue it.
We have to keep seeking peace here on earth because peace on earth is intermittent. It's not to be found everywhere, so we often find havens of peace or scraps of peace and we sometimes find great stretches of peace, but peace on earth isn't continuous.
The only ongoing peace is Eternal Peace, which is Heavenly Peace - and the only way to find it is through Jesus Christ. On earth, we're called to seek peace and to create it where we can. In heaven, we're offered Life - and Peace - everlasting.
May you look forward to Everlasting Peace this Christmas season! (Walter returns next week.)
Wending Our Way...

Christmas Peace #5

December 27, 2024

Isaiah 26:3 will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.
The word 'peace' indicates freedom from disturbance and discord. It implies quiet, tranquility and mental calm. It comes from a Latin word meaning 'to fasten onto something in order to achieve stability.' Hmmmm....
What do I fasten myself to? Sometimes it's anxiety, possessions or achievements, which certainly aren't peaceful pursuits. My most peaceful moments are those attached to Jesus and spent in praise, gratitude and quiet companionship.
May you find peace in the Everlasting Stability Christ offers this Christmas season!
Wending Our Way...

Christmas Peace #4

December 26, 2024

Numbers 13:2 ...Send some men to explore the land of Canaan....
One thing that destroys my peace quickly is judging - judging others and judging situations. Judging is hard work! Some people do it as a job: Olympic judges, dancing contest judges, beauty pageant judges, sports and political commentators, folks who vote for or against anything.... Judging drains peace quickly because it requires one to be constantly on-guard, it creates a competitive atmosphere which requires extra energy, it pits one against another, it excludes some while including others (which calls for frequent monitoring), it builds up a win-lose mentality which isn't restful, and it forces comparison thinking, which can be hard work in itself.
What can I do besides judging? Look at that fifth word in today's scripture: it doesn't say "judge" because God already did that. It says "explore." Focusing on exploring causes me to notice someone or some thing and then go about investigating it, learning about the person or situation at hand. It creates the possibility of searching out areas of commonality. It sometimes builds new relationships or makes someone else's journey--or mine--a bit easier.
May you find peace in exploring...not judging... this Christmas season!
Wending Our Way...

Christmas Peace #3

December 25, 2024

John 14:27 ...Peace I leave with you....
I read one definition of peace that I just adore: "Peace is the joining of beauty, solitude and contentment." There are many times in life when we gaze lovingly at something beautiful, or find ourselves alone within a moment of quiet contentment, or experience a sense of deep satisfaction, but to encounter all three at once is a gift - a peace-ful gift.
The Nativity scene encompasses beauty, solitude and contentment in its deepest, most meaningful form. It's a scene we're invited to join repeatedly as we enter this holiday season and every day thereafter.
May you find peace in beauty, solitude and contentment this Christmas season!
Wending Our Way...

Christmas Peace #2

December 24, 2024

Genesis 1:31 ...God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.
One reason for the lack of peace in our lives is the fact that society has taught us to hate, resent, devalue and attack differences among people. We've been trained or conditioned to take offense at whatever's different from us. Diversity is attacked, even if it's harmless or actually beneficial.
God created the world with marvelous variety. Earthly mixtures are intended to bring blessings - not curses. Being open to the diversities of life reduces anxiety and stress in our lives. It also leads to the peace that acceptance brings.
May you find peace in the acceptance of diversity this Christmas season!
Wending Our Way...

Christmas Peace #1

December 23, 2024

Proverbs 14:30 ...A heart at peace gives life to the body....
Many Christmas cards speak of peace on earth, yet it's so hard to achieve! So many things intrude: anxious thoughts, painful worries and illnesses, lack of whatever, uncertainty, financial and social pressure, time constraints.... One thing that wrecks my peace most frequently is the presence of anxious thoughts, which are actually anxious words racing around in my mind. I try to corral them but they escape easily and run roughshod over my waking moments. What I really need is silence between words, followed by silence in my brain.
How do I achieve that? If I'm anxious, first of all I spend some time feeling what I'm feeling, since emotions shouldn't be stuffed. (Then they fester and get expressed in physical or mental symptoms rather than in words.) After that, if I notice that I'm churning out anxious words, I try to stop each word (like hitting the "pause" button on a recording) as I concentrate on "pausing" each word for longer and longer intervals. This doesn't solve the stuff I worry about, but it DOES insert moments of peace ("peacelets") into my anxious days.
May you find peace between words this Christmas season!
Wending Our Way...

Hiding In A Pocket

December 20, 2024

Psalms 143:9 ...I hide myself in you.
Years ago my sister made me four wool dryer balls. She's a hand-spinner, so she made these from scraps of wool she was processing. They reduce static electricity in the dryer without the use of harsh chemicals. They work well but have one peculiar trait: they love to hide in pockets! I often find one in the pockets of my robes and nightgowns. (How they worm their way IN there I can't imagine!)
Sometimes I feel like those wooly balls - I just need a place to hide for a while, a place where I'm out of sight, concealed from view, invisible. I've discovered that My Jesus can sometimes be my Pocket. He can be a place I nestle into, hiding from view and resting quietly, while I avoid all notice but His.
Activity: Get out your imagination and curl up into a ball, and then slip in as close as you can to Jesus and rest there for a while as you're momentarily unseen by earth's trials and tribulations.May you find rest and refreshment in the Pocket of His Love.
Wending Our Way...

Road Ranch

December 19, 2024

Isaiah 28:12 ...This is the resting place, let the weary rest....
Sometime over the summer I read a novel about a young boy who grew up in Montana in the 1800's. At that time, some people ran boarding houses, some rented out rooms in town for travelers, and some ran Road Ranches. These were kind of like current B-and-Bs, since they were set up in out of the way ranches along pathways used by those journeying west to new lands, lives and adventures. Road Ranches were usually used just for a night or two because exhausted travelers often wanted to keep pushing forward to reach their destination.
We can be "Road Ranches," too. We can provide brief respite from life's relentless pull as we offer simple kindnesses, a smile, a touch, a helping hand, a meal, an ear....
Road Ranches weren't intended to remove life's burdens. Their purpose was to ease the burden and bring a touch of caring and provision to weary travelers. Our Christian walk encourages us to do the same.
Wending Our Way...

Poem: Fear Nothing

December 18, 2024

Romans 15:13 ...May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him....
(This should really be shown on four lines but the template I'm using will only do 3 paragraphs.)
Fear nothing on the roads that you travel~ Because God has a plan for it all.
Stay close to His heart in stillness and love~ As you faithfully answer His call.
Wending Our Way...

Sustaining Scripture

December 17, 2024

1 Timothy 3:16 ...All scripture is God-breathed....
Does scripture sustain you amid difficult moments? Does it guide you as struggles mount? Here are a few of my favorites for stormy days and rainy skies.
1.Ps. 122:8...Peace be within you. 2.Ps. 128:2...You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours. 3.Isa. 46:4...I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you. 4.Jude 2...Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance. 5.1 Thess. 5:21...Hold onto the good.
No matter what's happening around us or within us, our God sits firmly on the Top of Now, guiding us along the often-darkened pathways of life and loving us into Eternity.
Wending Our Way...

Broken Grahams

December 16, 2024

Romans 15:17 ...I glory in Christ Jesus in my service to God.
It's 3:00 in the morning and I'm awake - Senior living, dammit!! I just got myself a cuppa tea and a few graham crackers. The package must've gotten dropped somewhere along the line because the crackers were all broken into large pieces. Oh well - they still tasted OK.
The broken up crackers reminded me of life. We mortals, too, often get dropped and broken along the way. Deaths, injuries, divorce, financial woes, storm damage.... These incidents and many others drop us out of our places of security and comfort and smash us up along the rocky coastline of earthly reality.
Fortunately, being broken doesn't disqualify us from service. Broken crackers still nourish me and broken people still nourish and care for others - and a Broken Jesus still led us Home.
Wending Our Way...

Collateral Damage

December 13, 2024

Acts 27:21 ...then you would have spared yourselves this damage and loss.
Back in November I heard about an early morning gruesome traffic accident on 422 down around Oaks. A motorist traveling west hit a deer and then crashed into the guardrail. "Deer debris," as the reporter called it, then flew into the eastbound lanes, hit several cars and caused another accident. (What a way to start your day!!) The "deer debris" caused collateral damage in the eastbound lanes.
Interactions with Satan can cause collateral damage, too. A run-in with him can easily cause harm to his intended victim, but it also causes collateral damage to those nearby. Think of drinking and driving, texting and driving, speeding, addictions, criminal behavior and risky health choices, to name a few.
Get "hit" by Satan and the debris will hit others, too!
Wending Our Way...

Never Alone

December 12, 2024

Matthew 28:20 ...And surely I am with you always....
The other day Larry and I had lunch at The Hut, a diner in Mt. Penn. While we were chomping away on our sandwiches, a single fellow came in, approached the hostess and said, "There are two of us."
As the hostess led him to a table, that phrase stayed with me:"There are two of us." Jesus whispers that same phrase to each of us every waking moment and silently surrounds us with its assurance as we sleep. "There are two of us" - we're never alone.
Wending Our Way...

Oh You'll Be OK!

December 11, 2024

2 Corinthians 2:11 order that Satan might not outwit us.
Back in late spring I was eating out and ordered plain steamed carrots. I'd told the waitress about my Irritable Bowel Syndrome and my food allergies and she said she'd tell the chef, but lo and behold, the carrots came out with a glaze. I asked the waitress to find out what was in the glaze so she returned to the kitchen and asked. Then she came up to the table and told me, "The chef said you'd be OK!" How'd the chef know THAT??!! Oh well. (I sent the carrots back.)
The whole episode reminded me of Satan because he, too, slides tempting stuff before us, smiles disarmingly and says, "Oh you'll be OK!" Yeh - right!!
We can be sure anything Satan dangles in front of us is definitely not OK. His encouraging words generally lead us right into a trap.
Wending Our Way...

A Slice Of Time

December 10, 2024

Proverbs 8:10 ...Choose my instruction rather than silver....
Back in the summer Larry had a slice of blueberry pie. It wasn't the whole pie - just a piece of it - but it reminded me that just as Larry got a slice of pie, we each get a slice of time.
Whether we're dealing with pie or time, we have the same options: we can let it nourish us, we can share it (or not), we can ignore it and let it spoil, we can criticize it, or we can enjoy it.
Our choices regarding the slices of life will bring us (and others) blessings or disappointments, depending on how we engage with the slices we're given.
Wending Our Way...

Patterns And Intent

December 9, 2024

1 Chronicles 29:17 ...I know, my God, that you...are pleased with integrity. All these things I have given willingly and with honest intent.
Not too long ago I read a novel in which an older police officer was mentoring a new recruit. At one point, the younger man mentioned that the mentor's interactions with drivers who were stopped for speeding sometimes varied. "Yes," replied the older man. "I look for patterns and intent. I come down harder on those who are obviously flaunting the law. I'm easier on first-time offenders and those who are normally law-abiding citizens."
Interesting outlook! That approach can work for us, too, as we navigate relationships new and old. We, too, can look for patterns and intent as we relate to those around us. Folks who are generally kind-hearted and friendly can merit a good bit of our time. We might want to limit our contact with those who are constantly negative or seem intent on causing trouble.
We can also occasionally check out our own patterns and intent. Sometimes surprising things pop up.
Wending Our Way...


December 6, 2024

Luke 23:24 ...Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."
Have you ever wondered how some people can be so positively obtuse?! How someone can have absolutely NO idea what's going on or how to handle things? Check out Luke 23:26-34, which is the story of the crucifixion. Those Roman soldiers were perfect examples of "Population Density" (AKA: People who don't get what's going on.).
But, you know, maybe it wasn't entirely their fault that they didn't or couldn't identify with Jesus' mission. This may have been partly because none of them had walked with Jesus enough as He completed His earthly rounds; and maybe none of them had walked with Christians enough to get to know about God's love and provision. Or maybe some of them had heard about Jesus and His followers, but discounted the Good News they were sharing with the world. We don't act on what we don't know or won't accept.
Take-Home: We most easily understand what we've lived through ourselves or with what we've seen others struggle with. Our hearts aren't in stuff we don't recognize or identify with. Sometimes people really don't know what they're doing because their minds are closed to fresh information and new experiences. Sometimes we can forgive others more easily if we realize that they simply have walked in different shoes than we have and so have a different take on things.
Wending Our Way...

Exploring Trust

December 05, 2024

Mark 9:24 ...I do believe; help my unbelief.
Isn't it hard to trust God sometimes? Many years ago I heard some sage say, "Trust as much of God as you know at the time." What a beautiful thought!
Our relationship with God is (or should be) always growing, which means that our trust is growing throughout our lives. The more we experience of God's Love, the more our trust in Him grows.
It's OK to be a little shaky in the trust department sometimes. Growing in relationship with Him is how we build trust, so, when "unbelief" pops up, explore the trust you DO have and ask Jesus to help you overcome whatever faithlessness or doubt you've encountered. This makes for an ever-enlarging relationship with God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit...and an ever-enlarging relationship with The Trinity leads to greater peace within.
Wending Our Way...


December 4, 2024

Proverbs 24:23 ...These also are the sayings of the wise....
Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are. Chinese Proverb
Wending Our Way...

Construction Vehicle

December 3, 2024

Galatians 5:22 ...the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Yesterday Larry and I drove behind a big, dusty dump truck. It had "Construction Vehicle" printed in large letters across the tailgate. It seemed to be full of dirt or stone. It was probably headed off someplace to help build something.
Sometimes I think life is a Construction Vehicle. The pleasures and struggles of life combine to help build love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control within us. These build us up so that we can lead more productive and faithful lives as we travel our earthly paths doing God's will.
The Fruit of the Spirit provides us with the characteristics we need in this life and the next.
Wending Our Way...

The Vine

December 2, 2024

John 15:5 ...I am the vine; you are the branches...apart from me you can do nothing.
I was watering one of my ferns last night and spotted a browning and shriveled leaf. It was dying. It had gotten bumped at some point, the stem got broken and it was only marginally attached to the mother plant. Without "the vine," it could do nothing.
This is a perfect example of Jesus' words in John 15:5.If we don't stay connected to Jesus, nothing else will sustain us.
Wending Our Way...


November 29, 2024

Hebrews 12:2 ...Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, who for the joy set before him endured the cross....
A short while ago I listened to our answering machine as a female robot droned on about some product for sale on Black Friday. She ended her monologue with a crisp, "Good-bye!" but due to her robotic pronunciation, it sound like "Good Buy!"
Of course this reminded me of another Black (or Bleak) Friday, 2000 years ago, when Jesus made His way to the Cross in order to purchase my Forever. What a "Good Buy" that was!!!
Wending Our Way...

Preparing The Way

November 28, 2024

John 14:2 ...I am going there to prepare a place for you.
We ate at Schmeck's Villa in St. Lawrence recently. Once we got seated, I watched as one of the waitresses prepared a table reserved for a small group soon to arrive. She set out cutlery, napkins, side plates, butter, salt and pepper and menus. Then she went to get ice water. All was ready when the guests arrived.
'Prepare' comes from an old Latin word meaning 'to make ready in advance,' which is just what Jesus has 'done for us.
Thanksgiving is a day of gratitude for earthly blessings - and for Eternal Blessings as well..all prepared for us because of His Infinite Love.
Wending Our Way...

My Handrail

November 27, 2024

Exodus 15:13 ...In your strength you will guide them....
One day last week it felt like I did nothing but climb the stairs as I tackled various chores around the house: I hauled laundry up to the bedroom, dragged newly-purchased cotton balls and toothpaste up to the linen closet, took a sweater up to the bedroom after leaving it in the living room overnight, took a flashlight back downstairs to the kitchen.... It took such an effort and it felt never-ending! The whole thing made me realize that thought the handrail guides my way, I must climb the stairs.
I'm always thankful for the handrail when I'm doing stairs. It guides my steps and provides stability as I maneuver my way through my appointed tasks for the day. Life works like that, too. Jesus is our Handrail as we go about our appointed rounds. He guides us on our way - but we must do the work.
Wending Our Way...

Philly Bike Ride

November 26, 2024

Deuteronomy 1:32, 33 ...the LORD your God, who went ahead of you on the journey....
Back in early October I heard a brief KYW News Radio report about the Philly Bike Ride. It's a new event celebrating bicycling and has all ages (3 and up) cycling through twenty miles of landmarks and beautiful scenery. The entire event was car-free, since the roads used by the bicyclists were closed while the event was in progress. The day offered surprises, music, entertainment, relaxation and entertainment along the way. It finished with a festival of food and activities. The people who attended said it was a wonderful event.
The radio announcer was very clear about one thing: the event was a ride, not a race. The whole point was to enjoy the day while traveling with kindred souls. Rushing to be first at any part of it was pointless.
Isn't life like that? God calls us to participate in a ride, not a race. He asks us to journey with Him and with others, enjoying the companionship and blessings along the way. Life can be a wonderful event, too!
Wending Our Way...

Satan's Grapnels

November 25, 2024

2 Kings 19:28 ...I will put my hook in your nose....
For some reason I was thinking about grappling hooks today. ('Grapnel' is another name for a grappling hook.) A grappling hook looks something like a ship's anchor, but with multiple hooks attached to a cable. They come in all sizes and are used for dragging sites to remove trip wires or land mines, to dredge for submerged objects, to secure a hold when rock or mountain climbing, or to enable one boat to come close to another. (Pirates used them to board ships they'd accosted.) The beauty of a grapnel is that only one of its hooks has to engage for it to be effective.
Of course this reminded me of Satan. That's because I can easily envision him sending miniature grappling hooks our way as he works to lead us astray. If only one of his "hooks" catches (like lust, ego, greed, love of money, judgmentalism, hatred, materialism...), he's caught us...or at least part of us.
Satan's hooks have barbs that hold fast, so it's best to avoid him altogether.
Wending Our Way...

They Do Not Understand

November 22, 2024

Luke 23:34 ...Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."
I've been dealing with chronic fatigue for over ten years. I'm always tired, but sometimes waves of intense fatigue hit and I'm exhausted - usually for about thirty minutes or so but possibly for several days. I look fine when this happens but I feel dreadful...kind of like I have the flu. It's a side-effect of my Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Sometimes people who don't know me look at me like I'm making the fatigue up - either for sympathy or to get out of doing something I don't want to do. When this happens I'm reminded of today's scripture in which Jesus is praying for forgiveness for those who opposed Him and ultimately crucified Him.
If you've ever been judged by folks who just don't understand, here are three "Rules of the Road" I've found to be helpful. 1. Do what you need to do to take care of YOU. 2. Conduct your life with love and grace. 3. Forgive those who don't understand - and move on.
Wending Our Way...

Open Enrollment

November 21, 2024

Psalms 27:1 ...The LORD is my light and my salvation...
I'll be glad to see October go because I'm so sick of all the open enrollment offers for medical insurance I've been getting in the mail. They arrive almost daily, cluttering up our mailbox and recycle bin. Thankfully the window has closed now and companies won't be pestering again for another year.
It's a good thing salvation doesn't work that way! What if we could only accept Christ's offer of salvation during a designated period each year? Ye gods!! How frustrating that would be. And what if you died before you were formally accepted? I'm glad Jesus' enrollment is always open - no waiting to make a connection.
Wending Our Way...

Haiku...Scars And Love

November 20, 2024

Luke 24:39 ...Look at my hands and my feet.
My scars are OK~
I love to touch the wounded
With my scars and stripes.
Wending Our Way...

Share The Prayer!

November 19, 2024

Exodus 9:29 ...I will spread out my hands in prayer to the LORD.
Now that I know we're moving, I just can't wait to get MOVED!! I'm so sick of cleaning out stuff, donating stuff, packing stuff and making arrangements. I'm sick of stumbling around a house that's all torn up and full of boxes. Oh well - can't be helped. I keep praying for my own peace of mind (and Larry's, too) as well as for effectiveness and efficiency as this whole journey unfolds.
I'm praying for myself, of course, but it occurred to me this morning that I should be praying for certain others, too. How about the folks vacating the cottage we're expecting to move into? Surely they need some of the same peace of mind, effectiveness and efficiency that I'm seeking. How about the young woman handling our move to a retirement community? She has a busy schedule and more responsibilities than I'm aware of. Then there's our mover and our realtor, who undoubtedly could use prayers for traveling mercies and solid client connections.
So - now that I'm more aware of those who are supporting my journey, I'm becoming more mindful of offering prayers for their benefit as well as prayers for myself. And, of course, I thank God for His continuing behind-the-scenes efforts on my behalf.
Wending Our Way...

Reason - Or Action?

November 18, 2024

Proverbs 24:23 show partiality in judging is not good....
Mother Groundhog was in a hurry. Her youngest was sick and wanted a cup of chamomile tea, so Mother was dashing off to a nearby farm where she knew chamomile was growing. When she got to the farm, she was in such a rush that she plowed right into two garden rakes, a hoe and a shovel that the farmer had left by the barn. They all fell into a tangled, noisy mess, but Mother hurried on. After all, she had good reason for her haste - and the farmer could easily pick up his equipment.
As Mother Groundhog approached the chamomile patch, Little Rabbit burst out of her hole and raced across the farmyard. (She thought a snake had gotten into her burrow and she didn't want to wind up on its lunch menu.) She was in such a panic that she almost knocked over three chipmunks and a young mouse. "Humph!" snorted Mother. "Young people these days - no regard for others!!"
Take-Home: We often judge ourselves by our reasons, but we judge others only by their actions.
Wending Our Way...

Half Price!

November 15, 2024

Philippians 2:12 ...continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling....
We drove past a cemetery this week. There was a sign in the grass advertising: "Big Sale! Buy One Grave-site and Get Another Half Off!" That gave me a chuckle. It made me think I needed two graves! But really, if I accepted the offer, I'd be buying a grave for someone else.
As we drove along I got to thinking - I could buy a grave for someone else but I can't buy salvation for someone else. For one thing, salvation isn't for sale; and for another, each person must work out their own salvation through relationship with Christ.
Half-price sales are great on earth, but they don't work in the heavenly realms.
Wending Our Way...


November 14, 2024

Isaiah 43:1 ...Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
My sister gave me a book not too long ago. It was used and had come from a second-hand book store. Part of the cover was obscured by a big sticker proclaiming:"$5.99"...the sale price.
I doubt that we Christians have stickers on our foreheads, but I suspect that somehow God marks each one of us as His own - and Jesus did the same many years ago. He stamped each one of us with the word "priceless" - and went to the Cross.
Wending Our Way...

Whose Plan??

November 13, 2024

Jeremiah 29:11 ...For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you.
*K10, kfb, K3, yo, K1* Did that make sense to you. It only would if you happen to be a knitter. It's part of knitting directions, but folks who aren't knitters won't understand it.
It works like that with God's ultimate plan. He's got something He's working out diligently and patiently, but I sure haven't got a clue what's going on half the time! Sometimes things just don't make sense.
Everything works according to a plan I don't understand, but I follow along, trusting in the strength, discernment, grace, truth and love of my Creator.
Wending Our Way...

What Isn't There

November 12, 2024

Proverbs 17:24 ...A discerning man keeps wisdom in view....
I lost a rabbit's foot fern earlier in the fall. It got drenched in a heavy storm during the summer and never quite recovered. I brought it in and tended to it, but it didn't have enough life in it to survive. I couldn't work with what wasn't there.
I worked for many years with a young woman who was depressed and was constantly involved in remarkably poor decisions, decisions which only added to her depression. I never saw any improvement in her situation because she had no initiative and completely resisted change. Again, I couldn't work with what wasn't there.
I try to remember this concept when I'm relating to someone who I believe would benefit from lifestyle or personal changes. If they have no initiative or no interest in change, things are likely to stay the same regardless of what I do. I can't work with what isn't there.
Wending Our Way...

Toward The Promised Land

November 11, 2024

Exodus 3:8 I have come bring them...into a good and spacious land.
Larry and I are in the process of moving to a smaller place with no yard work. This whole transition feels like the Promised Land to me. In fact, it resembles the Exodus in one important way: the Promised Land was set aside for the Israelites, but they had to labor in order to get there. So it is with our move: we've been promised a place but we have work to do before we arrive.
The same thing happens when we pursue higher education, devote time to physical therapy, engage in healthier eating, recover from surgery or major illness, strive to lose weight or try to learn a new skill.
Often, arriving at our "good and spacious land" requires time, patience and considerable effort as we follow God's pathway into our future.
Wending Our Way...

Let Us Pray #2

November 8, 2024

1 Thessalonians 3:10 ...Night and day we pray most earnestly....
Here's another kind of prayer that might not have much effect - The Shoulding Prayer. That's when I pray because I SHOULD and to hell with whether it's a loving or heartfelt prayer. I'm "Shoulding" to get rid of a moral requirement or a duty. Heart has nothing to do with it.
The word 'should' implies an obligation rather than earnest caring or concern. I'm pretty sure love empowers prayer. "Shoulding" does not.
Wending Our Way...

Let Us Pray #1

November 7, 2024

Matthew 6:7 ...when you pray, do not keep on babbling....
I've been thinking about prayer lately. I'm so tired sometimes that it's hard to concentrate, so my prayers start out OK but I soon wind up rambling on, bird-walking, interrupting myself, losing my place and changing topics. I'm sure God understands, but I've often wondered how He could possibly use such a disjoint monologue so I'm trying now to offer short, succinct, heartfelt prayers rather than verbally meandering around aimlessly.
I'm reminded of one "rule" about preaching that I'd heard years ago: "Stand up. Speak up. Shut up. Sit down." I've always loved this idea - and I now suspect it applies to prayer as well.
Wending Our Way...


November 6, 2024

Matthew 11:19 ...Wisdom is proved right by her actions.
Your beliefs don't make you a better person. Your behavior does.
Wending Our Way...

Falling Leaves And Butterflies

November 05, 2024

Psalms 112:7 ...his heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD.
We had some gorgeous fall days back in October. One day I was looking out our front door when I noticed a beautiful yellow tree in our neighbor's back yard. A gentle breeze started up and quite a number of leaves blew off the tree and began their drifting passage to the ground. As they began their meandering descent, a Monarch butterfly flew gently past and off across the yard. It made a beautiful, colorful scene.
As I watched the leaves and the butterfly pursue their given pathways, it occurred to me that the leaves were falling to the ground, where they'd decay and disappear, while the butterfly flew away and began anew.
That's like the cycle of life and it happens to humans, too. As some pass away and out of sight, others continue on, maintaining our earthly life cycles. We may not always understand who goes and who stays, but we can trust that God's Love empowers it.
Wending Our Way...

Seeing Things

November 4, 2024

Psalms 101:4 ...I will have nothing to do with evil.
Have you ever wished you could see into the spirit world? I have - and I realized recently that I'm often seeing things that remind me of the dark side of spirit life. How about certain Halloween yard decorations? I've seen so many of those gigantic (taller than a house), gaunt creatures adorning people's lawns. Headless, starving wraiths mix with winged ghouls, skeletons of all sorts, and bats and crows and snarling black cats. Many of these creatures have fangs and claws and long grasping fingers, plus evil grins and menacing smiles. Some are rising from the ground, leaving silent graves to search for victims. All seem to have sinister intent and ageless presence.
No wonder all this reminds me of Satan's world! The horror these decorations exude gives me a slight visual impression of Satan's minions and their intent. I'm glad I know and live in The Light!
Wending Our Way...

Unfurling Life

November 1, 2024

Isaiah 58:11 ...The LORD will guide you always....
I bought a rabbit's foot fern this past spring. I also got a cotton candy fern. The leaves develop in a fascinating way. They start to slowly unfurl from a curled up baby leaf at the end of a stem and then continue slowly growing and unfurling until the leaf is completely open. They don't pop open or open quickly in a dramatic display.
Isn't that just what the future often does: it slowly unfurls and presents itself to us. A lot of life isn't fast or dramatic. It simply asks us to show up and keep going as God directs our growth and our movements.
Wending Our Way...

On The Move

October 31, 2024

Matthew 28:20 ...I am with you always....
I was talking recently with several retired teacher friends. We somehow got into a discussion about the amusement park rides we used to enjoy. Most of us liked the fast and furious ones - like the tilt-a-whirl, roller-coaster, bumper cars and wild mouse. But now that we're older, we've found that the merry-go-round is about the right speed. Having agreed on that, one of the women said, "Actually, I like a ride that doesn't move!!"
Her comment made me think about my Christian walk. Sometimes it's like a merry-go-round: smooth and gently moving forward. Sometimes it feels like a tilt-a-whirl, spinning and twisting in nauseating pathways. Sometimes it feels like a roller-coaster, as I'm repeatedly hurled over a frightening peak and into the void below. Sometimes I feel like I'm in a bumper car and stuff keeps slamming into me but I can't get away. And sometimes I feel like I'm in a wild mouse...where I'm literally hanging off the tracks but somehow I keep moving along.
"A ride that doesn't move" - we certainly DO get periods of respite along the way, but our Christian walks often keep us on the move... always with Jesus by our side.

Click here to read the Walter Mouse devotions.

Walter Mouse

Walter Mouse