Author Pam Frame

Pam Frame

Pam Frame's "Wending Our Way" Devotions

Enjoy these selections from the last 90 days of Pam's "Wending Our Way" devotions. The devotions are listed in descending order by date with the most recent devotion at the top. Click here if you would like to read the Walter Mouse devotions.

If you would like to receive Walter's "Field Mouse Evangelism" devotions and Pam's "Wending Our Way" devotions in your email each week, you can sign-up at the Subscribe page of this website.

Wending Our Way...

Out Of Balance?

May 3, 2024

John 19:17 ...Carrying his own cross, [Jesus] went out to the place called The Skull.... (I strongly suspect that Jesus was feeling out of balance here as He struggled along.)
Today I watched as two grackles made their way across the top of a picket fence. The lead bird carefully put one foot in front of the other and walked effortlessly along the top of the fence until it reached a nearby tree - which it flew into and disappeared.
The second bird, probably a youngster, followed along, but much less fluidly. It hop-jumped and flapped its way along, but it got there without falling and joined its parent within the safety of the tree's leafy cover.
Their short journey reminded me of life. Sometimes we march along quite fluidly, making it from Point A to Point B without fuss or fanfare. And sometimes we can hardly maintain our balance as we flap and flutter along. It's OK to be out of balance sometimes. It's often just part of life's rock-strewn path.
Wending Our Way...

Worth - Or Path?

May 2, 2024

Nehemiah 9:19 did not...cease to guide them on their path....
I read a non-fiction book a while ago. It dealt with accepting others' differences rather than criticizing them. The text mentioned that criticizing devalues the worth of others we view as different from ourselves.
I must've been tired when I read that because I thought it said that criticism devalues the PATH of those we see as different from ourselves. To me, 'worth' speaks of value, sufficient goodness and importance - attributes it's hard to see without careful inspection and long-term extended relationship. But 'path' speaks of a living journey, a walk accompanied by troubles and blessings, growth, learning, challenges and strife.
I may not always be able to see another's worth, but I can certainly relate to the fact that although their path has undoubtedly been different from mine, we've surely shared similar feelings along the way as we've trod our anointed roadways. This realization helps me create connection rather than criticism - and makes things more peaceful for everyone (including me!).
Wending Our Way...


May 1, 2024

1 Kings 6:13 ...I will not abandon my people Israel.
I just finished reading a book that was discarded by a local library. On several pages it had "DISCARDED" stamped in bright red letters. Of course this reminded me of Jesus -because He doesn't even own a DISCARDED stamp. I imagine that Jesus' stamps (if He has any!) are kind of like those little candy Valentines Day hearts that say things like "Be Mine," "Love Always," and "My Favorite."
Satan's the only one with a DISCARDED stamp...and he uses it on every one of his followers. That's unlike Jesus, who doesn't discard us. He adopts us. We're never abandoned. We're included - forever.
Wending Our Way...

Getting Ready

April 30, 2024

John 14:2 ... [Jesus speaking] I am going there to prepare a place for you.
A while ago I was preparing to take a friend for a post-op doctor visit. As I was having breakfast, Larry drifted past and said, "I'm going to get things ready for you." He proceeded to squeegee the car windows (it had been outside all night), got gas and left it ready to roll in our driveway. Because of his efforts, all was arranged for my jaunt with my friend. What a blessing!
Jn. 14:2 tells us that Jesus said that very thing over 2000 years ago: "I'm going to get things ready for you." We don't know exactly what Jesus had to do to "get things ready," but we know His efforts bring us an enormous blessing - an Enormous, Eternal Blessing!
Wending Our Way...


April 29, 2024

Colossians 3:12 ...clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.
I know 5 people who can't feel their feet...due to peripheral neuropathy (which is nerve damage, usually in the hands and feet). One person's neuropathy is collateral damage after surgery; three are due to the ravages of diabetes; and one is from the side-effects of chemo. Though the causes are different, all five people suffer from foot pain, numbness and weakness. The disease affects balance and makes walking a challenge. It can also lead to foot sores because folks can't feel shoes rubbing or cuts and bruises occurring.
In thinking about this I got to wondering if people can have Spiritual Neuropathy, too. I've run into quite a few folks who just can't seem to feel or express compassion for others. They often cast blame, criticize, uphold overly-high standards, offer unwanted advice, discount reality and maintain double standards.
All forms of numbness create difficulties, but Spiritual Neuropathy is particularly debilitating. Clothing ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience can open our eyes to the suffering of others.
Wending Our Way...

Trash Or Treasure

April 26, 2024

2 Corinthians 4:16 ...inwardly we are being renewed day by day.
Think about all the trash that gets collected and disposed of each week. It's appalling how much there is! So much stuff - simply discarded.
Then think about all the Love in the world - goodness and kindness expressed in life-giving ways.
Then consider this: Satan introduces us to a disposable world, but Jesus invites us into a renewable world.
Wending Our Way...

Let Life Evolve

April 25, 2024

Luke 12:22 not worry about your life....
A while ago someone gave me something in a Longhorn Steakhouse bag. The bag had gotten kind of squished in transit, so that it read "Logrn" instead of "Longhorn." It looked kind of funny but it reminded me of my life.
I can't see all of my life at once any more than I could see all of "Longhorn" at once. Parts are always emerging. I probably won't have all the parts visible to me until I get really close to the Pearly Gates.
But that's OK. God knows when and how to make the hidden parts discernible. He knows when my bag is properly filled out - and when I can go Home.No need to worry!
Wending Our Way...

Keep The Cork...

April 24, 2024

Revelation 22:17 ...Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.
Several months ago I saw a picture of wine bottles displayed in a decorative wine rack. The necks of the bottles were lower than the bottoms of the bottles. This looks funny, but it keeps the corks wet - which prevents the corks from drying out and allowing air to reach the wine. Contact with air spoils wine quickly.
This arrangement reminds me of Rev. 22:17. We must keep the free gift of the water of life filling our bodies, minds and spirits lest we, too, begin to dry out and allow angst and discouragement to creep in and spoil our peace and tranquility.
Wending Our Way...


April 23, 2024

Proverbs 19:11 ...A man's wisdom gives him patience.
You can't take May's gifts while you're still in April's calendar.
Wending Our Way...

Trust Me!

April 22, 2024

Psalms 56:4 God I trust; I will not be afraid.
I recently read a fascinating book about a young woman's time in jail (Orange is the New Black, by Piper Kerman). At one point she requested a job change because of sexual harassment. The counselor she spoke with said he'd get her transferred but it would take time. "You're going to have to trust me and be patient," he said. It took a few months but she eventually got her reassignment.
Eternity sort of works that way. We, too, would like a transfer (to heaven!) and God says the same thing: "I'll get you transferred but you're going to have to trust Me and be patient." That's hard to do, but we know He's got the heaven-thing dealt with. We just have to trust and be patient, too.
Wending Our Way...

Spritz Prayers

April 19, 2024

Philemon 1:4 I remember you in my prayers....
Trees were pollinating back in March and they drove me nuts. I'm allergic to some of them (juniper, I suspect), but Flonase helps. It's a nasal spray. I have to use it every day, but it helps get me through.
Using Flonase always reminds me of Spritz Prayers - short, super-focused, heart-felt prayers like: "Oh God, keep Suzie safe!" Or, "Jesus, give John the words to finish the report he's working on." Or "Lord help! I'm exhausted here!!" Spritz Prayers don't rely on liturgy, seating in a church, generous donations or hundreds of hours of volunteer work. They simply rely on love and faithfulness.
Like using Flonase, I have to keep spraying in short bursts and at recurring times. I don't worry if I can't come up with long convoluted prayers and flowery words. A quick spritz is effective.
Wending Our Way...

Rocks And Ripples

April 18, 2024

Jeremiah 5:22 ...The waves may roll but they cannot prevail....
The young woman sat in the sun on a huge rock overlooking the ocean. She placidly watched as the local fishing boats headed out to sea - each sending ripples or waves back to shore as she quietly absorbed the peace and tranquility. The ripples silently lapped against the sand and against her rock. Some of the bigger waves crashed onto the shoreline and burst apart against her rock, soaking her with their salty mist.
The fishing boats remind me of people, heading out on their daily rounds. The girl on the rock is me. The people in motion around me will always "send waves" my way. Some waves are minor and hardly affect my life, but others overrun me, demanding action, rather than mere observation.
My rock is often surrounded by activity, so I frequently stop to seek discernment about how to respond to whatever comes my way.
Wending Our Way...

The Road To Recovery #3

April 17, 2024

2 Corinthians 13:11 ...the God of love and peace will be with you.
I've never really thought much about the sounds of Love, but they're out there! One of my favorites was the Bouillon Cube Stomp, which resulted when Chef Lawrence was crushing an ornery bouillon cube in hot water so I could stay hydrated. At the ER, the continuous beep of the IV drip reminded me of God's provision, which drips faithfully into my life each day. And lastly, I was comforted by the intermittent whirring of our heater, keeping me warm throughout cold winter nights.
How wonderful to be surrounded by the gentle sounds of Love's presence on the road to recovery!
As you face your own trying times, I invite you to keep your senses open to the continual Presence of Love softly raining down upon you. Blessings on the journey!
Wending Our Way...

The Road To Recovery #2

April 16, 2024

1 Corinthians 13:4 is kind....
If we watch for it, we can often feel the Love that surrounds us. Here's my list as I plodded along toward healing:
I have a wonderful soft robe a friend gave me a while ago. It was comforting to feel its gentle presence as I sat around recuperating. When I was finally able to move around a bit, we had a delightfully warm day and I was able to get out in the garden for a bit. The glorious warm air and sunshine were invigorating. Many times, while I was dozing under an afghan, Larry would wander past and cover my feet - bringing warmth and reassurance in a quiet, gentle way. Finally, I found the solitude of darkness to be restful and healing.
How wonderful to be surrounded by the feel of divine and human Love on the road to recovery!
Wending Our Way...

The Road To Recovery #1

April 15, 2024

Psalms 34:8 ... see that the Lord is good....
Just about a month ago I came down with a nasty virus and a UTI at the same time. I got so sick that we wound up in the ER (I had gotten terribly dehydrated) for nine hours one night. I'm OK now but back then I felt completely clobbered. At the same time I also felt incredible Love surrounding me during the whole healing process. I was enormously touched by phone calls, emails, texts, cards and well-wishes from folks who talked to Larry.
I was lying around a lot and at one point I got to reflecting on the various ways Love touched me on this segment of my journey. Here's what Love looked like on my road to recovery: Butter yellow tête-à-têtes cheerily blooming along our back fence; Gatorade and saltines waiting for me (prepared for me by Chef Lawrence); Larry quietly slipping in to check on me when he thought I was asleep; a puffy, warm comforter assuring my cozy rest.
How wonderful to be surrounded by visible evidence of divine and human Love on the road to recovery!
Wending Our Way...

East, Drink And Be Mary #6

April 13, 2024

Ephesians 2:10 ...For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
As Mary stood near the cross, she must've wondered about her place in life, her purpose, her faith and her love. Was it all misplaced? Was it all for naught? Did she misunderstand something or perhaps do something wrong?
I've often asked those same questions - and I always come back to today's scripture. My purpose - as well as yours - is "to do good," no matter what's happening around us. I tend to look for immediate results, but God's working on an eternal time frame and His results often take longer to unfold. His Love, flowing through us, carries everyone closer to heaven.
As you absorb the beauty of Mary's soul, let God's Love flow through you and then outward to others (as a river flows around a rock). Your faith and love will stand out as warming embers and reassuring beacons of God's love and presence in the world. (Walter will return next Saturday.)
Wending Our Way...

Eat, Drink And Be Mary #5

April 12, 2024

John 19:25 ...Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene.
Because we are Christians, at some point, we'll be drawn to the Foot of the Cross - to a place of deep suffering. Go there! Sometimes we can actually be of help amid dire situations, but sometimes presence and love are all we can offer...and that's OK!
We can watch and wait...and pray...while God works things out. No one is out of place in this scene. All players were needed as they were placed; it will be the same with us. Somehow, we are all right where we need to be.
I invite you to absorb the beauty of Mary's soul as you reflect on her willingness to ponder the deep things of life as she allowed God's Love to flow within the world. Explore the benefits of a quiet and reflective mind as you let God's Love - and purposes - evolve around you.
Wending Our Way...

Eat, Drink And Be Mary #4

April 11, 2024

Luke 2:19 ...But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.
This scripture comes just after the shepherds' visit and their declaration that a Savior had been born (v.11). Mary, probably somewhat overwhelmed by it all, kept all the joy and disclosures and promises in her heart and no doubt pondered on the meaning of it all.
In its history of use, the word 'treasure' is related to 'thesaurus' and 'thesaurus' is related to 'storehouse.' So - Mary actually held in her heart a whole storehouse of knowledge, words, faith and love, all of which sustained her amidst her earthly life. She had countless profound concepts and occurrences to ponder as the years went by.
I invite you to absorb the beauty of Mary's soul as you reflect on her willingness to reflect deeply on God's work and Word in the world and on her anointed part in His ongoing ministry. As you go along, consider how...amazingly... your place in history somehow helps to complete Salvation's plan.
Wending Our Way...

Eat, Drink And Be Mary #3

April 10, 2024

Luke 2:7 ...She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger....
We're all familiar with Mary wrapping the infant Jesus before placing him in a manger. In biblical times, wrapping an infant was considered to be a part of good maternal care. It probably kept Jesus warm; protected him from the picky, dusty hay in the manger; and may have provided contentment and reassurance (since He would've been used to the normal, comfortable confines of the womb).
Mary's maternal instincts and her loving actions in caring for her Gift of Jesus jumped out at me. She cared for Him so that He could eventually care for others. Her Gift and her care had eternal value.
Absorb the beauty of Mary's soul as you reflect on how tenderly she cares for Our Jesus. Be sure to care for your Holy Gifts as lovingly.
Wending Our Way...

Eat, Drink And Be Mary #2

April 9, 2024

Matthew 1:22 ...All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said....
Matt. 1: 18-25 relates the story of Jesus' birth. All that happened in Matt. 1: 1-17 (which lists the 42 generations from Abraham to Christ), and all that happened in Matt. 1: 18-25 had to occur in order for God to complete the undertaking of bringing Christ to earth. Nothing happened fast, but it happened steadily and relentlessly.
Mary became part of the sequence of God's loving revelations on earth because she was willing to use her heart, mind and body as Link of Blessing in God's Chain of Salvation.
I invite you to absorb the beauty of Mary's soul as you reflect on her willingness to step into a position which helped God fulfill His purposes on earth. Where God might be calling for your help in a similar way?
Wending Our Way...

Eat, Drink And Be Mary #1

April 8, 2024

Isaiah 7:14 ...The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel. (Immanuel means "God with Us")
I know that we, as Protestants, rarely focus on Mary, Jesus' mother; but I've been thinking about her lately and it seems to me that she embodied a number of characteristics that strengthened her faith and brought stability to her life - characteristics that may build up our faith and stability as well.
Isa. 7: 14 says "...will give birth." Mary was willing to receive new life, to nurture it, to birth it, and to support its growth and development. She knew that as new life was growing within her, discernment and love were growing as well. And when she birthed her Precious Son, discernment and love continued to grow as her love and Christ's were shed upon the earth.
Absorb the beauty of Mary's soul as you reflect on her willingness to be a Vessel of New Life for God. Where God might be stirring to use you in the same way?
Wending Our Way...

Out Of Shape

April 05, 2024

Psalms 16:1 ...Keep me safe, O God, for in you I take refuge.
My sister called the other day. She just got new glasses - wire rims. She likes them a lot. Unfortunately, she set them down beside her computer, forgot they were there, knocked them off the desk onto the floor...and then ran her computer chair over them. They really got out of shape! But it worked out OK. Her eye doctor is nearby, he was open and he quickly straightened them out for her.
Life's like that sometimes. It runs over us and twists us out of shape. Lots of life events can leave us feeling bent, disconnected, useless and way less than perfect. The eye doctor can't help us then, but Jesus can. He's always near, always there and can help us get back in shape. All we have to do is ask.
Wending Our Way...

The Living Gid

April 4, 2024

Hebrews 10:22 ...let us draw near to God with a sincere heart.
The other day I was typing "The Living God", hit a wrong key and wound up with "The Living Gid." Heavens! How disrespectful!! Then I got to thinking about nicknames. One of my favorites is Phoof, whose real name was Phyllis but her brother, as a toddler, couldn't say "Phyllis" so he called her "Phoof" - and it stuck. Larry grew up with a Greenie and a Pickle. He doesn't remember how these boyhood amigos got their nicknames. (Nicknames often stick to much-loved companions and friends.)
Don't worry if you occasionally call God the wrong Name. I'm not saying that we should devise imaginative nicknames for God; but I AM saying that God is way more into relationships that He is into rules. We can have a right connection with God without always having the quite right Name for Him.
Whatever you call Him, your relationship with Him is secure - forever.
Wending Our Way...

Take A Rest

April 3, 2024

Psalms 91:1 ...He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
My sister leads a group of dulcimer players. At a recent practice, she noticed that one of the players consistently raced ahead of the others, played notes that clashed with what others were playing, and wound up playing nothing at all as the others strummed on to the end. As it turns out, the errant player didn't know what rests were - so she ignored them. Once she figured out what was happening, my sister stopped everything, explained what rests looked like and how they worked...and things went along much more smoothly.
Life works the same way. If we ignore rests, our actions may move us on ahead of others, we may find ourselves out of sync with whatever's going on around us, and we may wind up worn out while others are toddling along just fine.
Rests give us a chance to recharge and to stay in tune with the ongoing agenda. They also offer us the opportunity to increase fluidity and effectiveness in many of our daily activities. Rests create beautiful music all around.
Wending Our Way...

Give God Time

April 2, 2024

Matthew 6:13 ...deliver us from the evil one.
I'm reading The Universal Christ by Richard Rohr, who is an American Franciscan priest and writer. Somewhere along the line he says that God moves from order to disorder to re-order. Hmmm. This seems to ring true. Think about the Israelites and Pharaoh, Jesus in the wilderness, Joseph in jail, the woman bleeding for years, Paul in prison, Jesus' ministry - and life today.
We all want to be delivered from evil and we all hope to find lasting peace, but it's really hard to achieve here on earth. God's still working on all the disorder in the world - but "deliver us from evil" isn't quick!
Even so, give God time. He's awfully good at gathering up the chaos and creating blessings.
Wending Our Way...

Stand There!!

April 1, 2024

Matthew 11:29 ...Take my yoke upon you...and you will find rest for your souls.
Today I was remembering that old saying, "Don't just stand there! DO something!!" I grew up with that and for us over-functioners it's practically a mantra. But I recently heard an inspiring twist on it: "Don't do something. Just stand there." Oh my! What a novel thought!!
Sometimes that's excellent advice. It prevents me from launching myself into situations where I'm not needed (or where God is calling someone else to do something). It prevents me from exhausting myself with over-involvement (because sometimes my self-imposed yoke is actually heavier than the one Jesus is suggesting). And it allows me to offer the Gift of Presence, which is sometimes the best gift of all.
Wending Our Way...

Easter Sonrise

March 31, 2024

John 14:2 ...In my Father's house there are many rooms.... I am going there to prepare a place for you.
(This really should be written in four lines but the template I post devotions to doesn't allow for that. So...maybe you could re-copy it as four lines.)
The Day of Judgment has come and gone. Bright Glory shines above.
His Heart and Hands reflect the Promise He's written with His Love.
Wending Our Way...

Lent #7... Go!!

March 30, 2024

Judges 6:14 ..."Go in the strength you have...."
Judges 6 recounts the Israelites' distress over their oppression by the Midianites. The Israelites cry out to God, Who selects Gideon to lead the charge against the Midianites. When God drops this bombshell on Gideon, Gideon thinks something like: "Yeh! Right!! THIS is really gonna work out well!!" He manages to rephrase this a bit before he mentions anything to God, but God reassures Gideon that he does indeed have the strength to lead his people because Gideon and God are partnering in this adventure.
So it is with us. We each have untapped resources of strength sequestered within - and - we, too are partnering with God. When the going gets tough, remember that Judges 6:14 is written to you personally: "Go in the strength you have...Am I not sending you?"
Wending Our Way...

Good Friday Haiku

March 29, 2024

Acts 2:23 him to death by nailing him to the cross.
Hands, feet, hammer, nails~
The nails aren't important here~
Love has held Me fast.
Wending Our Way...

Maundy Thursday

March 28, 2024

John 12:5 ... [Jesus] poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples' feet.
Here we are at Maundy Thursday, which commemorates the Last Supper, where Jesus washed His disciples' feet. This reminds me of a traffic sign I saw somewhere recently. In bold letters, it reminded drivers to "yield to the pedestrian." For some reason, my brain capitalized the 'y', the second 't' and the 'p' - which gave me: Yield to The Pedestrian." Oh cool! What great advice!!
We actually ARE supposed to Yield to The Pedestrian. Our Jesus mostly walked wherever He went,--which makes Him The Pedestrian-- and He calls us to follow in His footsteps and act according to His teachings.
As we yield to The Pedestrian, our lives take on eternal purpose and we find greater peace on earth. Hallelujah!!
Wending Our Way...

Investment Strategies

March 27, 2024

Romans 13:14 ...clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the sinful nature.
I recently heard a commercial that started with the words, "There are so many ways to invest..." and went on to proclaim the merits of the investment firm sponsoring the ad. Oddly enough, the word 'invest' originally meant 'to put clothes on.' Its financial usage goes back to the 17th century when 'invest' came to mean dressing up one's assets by putting them in various stocks or business ventures.
Today there's a lot we can invest in or clothe ourselves with. There are stocks and bonds and various companies of course; but there's also power, prestige, money, appearances, possessions, judgmentalism, greed, enmity....
Thankfully, we who know Jesus have more fulfilling, more loving and more far-reaching choices. We have love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (Gal. 5:22) Others may invest in earthly wealth, but we invest in eternity.
Wending Our Way...

Horse #2

March 26, 2024

Zechariah 12:4 ..."I will strike every horse with panic and its rider with madness," declares the LORD.
Big and strong as they are, horses get spooked very easily. This is because (in the wild, at least) they're prey animals and have to watch that they don't get eaten. When horses get frightened, they often bolt - dashing off without direction as they flee a perceived threat.
Our thoughts, too, can bolt if something scares us; then off they go, racing madly around trying to flee some outside force or circumstance. Here are two things I try to do when my thoughts bolt. (1) Think and pray about the scary thing - then go on to something else. (2) Thank God for His intervention - then go on to something else.
I say "go on to something else" because our bodies, minds and spirits sometimes need a rest from the battle. Going on to something else doesn't mean we don't care. It just means that we're taking care of our physical, mental, spiritual and emotional welfare. We can always go back to steps 1 and 2 later in the day, but we benefit from a break in the action if the action is intense.
Wending Our Way...

Horse #1

March 25, 2024

2 Chronicles 9:25 ...Solomon had stalls for horses....
I recently watched a video about unusual horse breeds. As the horses were led around a ring, the announcer related interesting facts about each breed. The horses, of course, had no idea where they were going, but they trusted their leader and followed along.
I'm a lot like those horses - or I should be. I know I have a Reliable Leader, so all I have to do is trust and follow along, but I really have to work on that some days!
Wending Our Way...

Lent #6 ...The Strength Of The Willow

March 23, 2024

Ezekiel 17:5 ...He planted [seed] like a willow by abundant water -
When difficult times hit, I always think I should be "as strong as the oaks" (Amos 2:9), but sometimes I wonder about that. I'm reminded of Buffy Saint Marie's song Until It's Time for You to Go. One line reflects that she used to be an oak but now she's a willow and she can bend.
The strength of the willow is displayed in its ability to go with the wind's flow rather than fighting against it. In stormy times, I've found I do better if I, too, go with the flow and flex with whatever difficulties present themselves. In other words, in difficult times, I sometimes need to remind myself not to resist reality.
This is hard work of course, and sometimes I'm only marginally successful, but bending with life's prevailing winds seems to help me conserve energy and allows me to weather life's inevitable gales a bit more effectively.
Wending Our Way...

Aimless History ??

March 22, 2024

Romans 5:17 ...God's abundant provision of grace....
I'm having an aimless day - no appointments, laundry and cleaning are done, bills are paid. My day's sort of without purpose or direction, but that's kind of nice. I'm into a good book and I can just relax and putter around. Sounds splendid!
For some reason, my aimless day led me to think about history and God's role in it. Years ago I heard some sage say that God beings order before He brings peace. Hmmm...that does sound plausible. As I reflect on all the wars and discord our earth has witnessed, it seems to me that God is still working on the order thing and world peace hasn't occurred because order hasn't been restored yet.
But through it all, history isn't aimless - nor is God. He is working out His divine purposes (which are way beyond our understanding) and is silently directing the flow of events. And everything is steadily aiming at Rev. 22:21, the last words in the Bible: "The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God's people. Amen." Even amidst great upheaval, those are comforting words!
Wending Our Way...

Completely Clean

March 21, 2024

Titus 3:5 Tit. :...He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit....
My sister told me she just hand-washed a wool sweater. What a sloppy job! And it'll take about a week to dry properly. I asked her why she didn't just have it dry cleaned and she said it had gotten a stain on it and it needed to be washed in order to get the stain out. Interesting.
Christians work like that, too. We need "washing" in order to get completely clean. Just dusting us off a bit doesn't work. Fortunately, Jesus takes care of things for us so we'll all be perfectly clean by the time we get to heaven.
It'll take a little longer than a week, but the results are amazing!
Wending Our Way...


March 20, 2024

Revelation 21:21 ... [ referring to New Jerusalem]...The great street of the city was of pure gold....
Here's a new word for you all: pavage. I just ran into it when I was looking up something else. It's from Late Middle English and it meant "to pave." Pavage was a tax levied to pay for the paving of streets.
Naturally this reminded me of heaven - because there are no taxes there. And fer sure there's no pavage, since the streets are paved - permanently - with gold.
No taxes. Golden streets. Sounds like Paradise to me!!
Wending Our Way...

Go Raibh Mile...

March 19, 2024

Deuteronomy 28:2 ...All these blessings will come upon you....
How's that for a weird title?! It's actually the start of an Old Gaelic blessing: "Go raibh mile maith agat." It means, "May you have a thousand good things."
I stumbled across it in a story about a nurse in the 1800's. She'd provided care for a man dying on her ward. He recovered and his thankful wife spoke this blessing over the nurse when he was discharged.
What a beautiful blessing-- one I wish for you all: "May you have a thousand good things!"
Wending Our Way...

Shoe Souls

March 18, 2024

Matthew 11:29 ...and you will find rest for your souls.
I was reading a murder mystery a while back. The homicide detective had just arrived on the scene of a particularly gruesome murder. The text stated that as he walked around the crime area, he was careful to keep the souls of his shoes clean. Gosh! I didn't know that shoes had souls!! (Though they certainly do have soles.)
If shoes have souls, could they wind up in heaven? Can you picture that - heaven occupied by people and shoes! Kind of comical, really.
Thankfully we're spared that amusing but alarming eventuality. Jesus didn't do His whole ministry-cross-resurrection thing so that we could spend eternity with people and footwear. No shoes in heaven. What a blessing!
Wending Our Way...

Lent #5 ...The Strength Of The Rock

March 16, 2024

Matthew 16:18 are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church....
In this scripture we find Jesus proclaiming that He will build His church not on Peter personally or on his descendants, but on Peter's divine revelation of Jesus as the Son of the Living God. (See Mt. 16:13-20) The building of His Church began at Pentecost (Acts 22) and is living and growing even today.
It's interesting to note that Peter's name in Original Greek was 'Petros,' which referred to a detached stone, but the word 'rock' in verse 18 was originally 'petra' - meaning 'bedrock'. Jesus is The Bedrock on which The Church is built.
As we, like Peter, live on The Bedrock that is Christ, we're supported by God's steadfast, unshifting, abundant Love - and we can derive a measure of strength from His Foundation beneath us. And like a lighthouse standing guard on a rocky, storm-tossed outcropping, we can bring God's Light to His often-struggling world.
Wending Our Way...

Free Gift!

March 15, 2024

Revelation 22:17 ...take the free gift of the water of life.
I just got a note in the mail inviting me to join a well-known organization. In huge white letters on a bright red background, I was informed: "Free Gift with Membership!!"
This reminds me of Jesus because once we become members of His Christian family, we, too, get a free gift: salvation! And of course eternal life as well - which is way better than any earthly free gift could ever be.
Wending Our Way...

Mastery Of Pauses

March 14, 2024

Genesis 2:2 ...So on the seventh day he rested from all his work.
I was talking to a friend a while ago. We got talking about music at one point and he said that playing music requires the mastery of pauses. Hmmm. Never thought of it that way before, but it does make sense. Without pauses, music would just lurch forward with annoying regularity (like an incessant talker), or it would crash around us like a relentless thunder storm.
'Pause' comes from a Greek work for 'stop' and also from an Old Church Slavic word for 'let go.' In music and in life, we must master stopping briefly and letting go of the angst and action that's within us and around us in order to maintain fluidity and strength.
Learning to briefly interrupt our movement and speech adds beauty and rest to our otherwise often overly-active lives.
Wending Our Way...

The Cosmic Dance

March 13, 2024

Exodus 15:20 ...with tambourines and dancing.
Thomas Merton has written about the "joy of the cosmic dance." This suggests that all of creation is moving rhythmically in tune with some heavenly orchestration which is playing in the background. This strikes me as a beautiful, inspiring metaphor but one that's a bit difficult as well.
It's reassuring to know that we're moving within a universal, loving on-going scenario, but it's also scary because we can't hear the music, we don't know all the steps or all the performers, and some of the performers we DO know can't dance worth a hooey!! No one told us how long the performances will last, where difficult parts will be inserted, how to deal with challenges, or how long various members will be around.
But - Our Conductor knows the whole score because He wrote it and He knows the places we each fill because He designated those places. And He understands the nuances of The Dance of Life even though it's beyond our asking or imagining. All this to say that we can indeed find joy in the Cosmic Dance, even as we look forward to eternity in heaven.
Wending Our Way...

Good Stuffs Out There

March 12, 2024

Psalms 3:8 ...May your blessing be on your people.
My sister and I were texting about how cooking has become an awful bore. Her text read:"I mostly cook dumb meals anymore, but there are some good stuffs out there." She meant that she mostly cooks really simple things but that there are lots of more interesting food choices available. "Stuffs" was a typo. She'd meant to say "stuff."
"Good stuffs" out there stuck with me. Even amidst my most challenging days, I'm surrounded by lots of "Good Stuffs" - Larry, Cec, our home, good cars, adequate food and finances, friends, God's presence, freedom....
When life gets difficult, I remind myself to stop and look for all the "Good Stuffs" around me. This doesn't make my troubles go away, but it does ease the burden and helps me focus on gratitude instead of complaint.
Wending Our Way...

An Ew Chair

March 11, 2024

1 Samuel 1:9 ...Eli the priest was sitting on a chair by the doorway of the LORD's temple.
My sister got a new computer chair back in January. She sent me a quick text saying, "I got my ew chair!" (She meant to say "new chair.")As it turns out, it really WAS an EW chair. It came broken down in six pieces with enough screws and bolts to reinforce the bulkheads in the Queen Mary. The assembly directions looked like they'd been written in Original Greek.
Brave soul that she is, my sister put the chair together as best she could. Then she sat down on it---and the back fell off!! Ye gods! She finally got it together but she had to call in a friend to help.
Sometimes new stuff in life really does seem like EW STUFF; but most things work out OK if we just hang in there and seek help when we need it.
Wending Our Way...

Lent #4...The Strength Of A Snake

March 9, 2024

1 Corinthians 13:7 always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. (The snake here shows self-love.)
Quite a while ago I saw an amusing animal video. A lovely white heron was hunting for fish and insects at the edge of a beautiful, serene pond. As he stood statue-still waiting for prey to swim or wander within reach, he spotted a small green and yellow snake crawling his way. With alarming speed, the heron struck at the unsuspecting snake, grabbed it behind its head and lifted his beak as he tried to swallow the snake whole. (Ick!!) Anyway - the snake, quickly catching on to the unfolding scenario, wrapped its tail completely around the heron's beak.
The fight (such as it was) began. The snake couldn't go anywhere because part of him was in the bird's mouth; and the bird couldn't finish his meal because he had a snake wrapped around his beak. It went on like this for a while but eventually the snake tired and relaxed its grip just a bit. And the heron, disgusted by the whole thing, opened his beak a little and released the snake. And so, as some of the old good guy/bad guy westerns used to say: Both lived to fight another day.
The message from this comes from the snake: Sometimes, amid life's difficulties, you just have to wrap yourself around what's happening and hold on!
Wending Our Way...

Optical Illusions

March 8, 2024

Deuteronomy 1:17 ...for judgment belongs to God.
I just saw an optical illusion on the computer. It's a black and white drawing. In it, some people see the face of an old hag and some people see a pretty young woman looking over her shoulder. One picture, but two realities - each equally valid.
Life seems to be full of optical illusions sometimes. Two people look at a given situation and see two entirely different things. No wonder people struggle to get along! Sometimes there's simply more than one reality and we must allow others to live within their version of things.
Wending Our Way...

Bridge Or Destination

March 7, 2024

Job 34:4 ...Let us discern for ourselves what is right....
Do you ever reflect on all the people who have touched your life? I have my sister, who I've known for over ¾ of a century. I have friends I've had for over 40 years and some I've known for over 20 years. I've had Larry for 14 years. Then there are neighbors, doctors, hairdressers, teachers, clerks, etc - all folks with a much briefer connection to me.
I've come to realize that some people are "bridges" in my life. They help me get where I'm going, but may be in my life only occasionally or for short but fairly frequent spurts. Then there are "destination" people. These are my more permanent companions - spouse, family, close friends, pets.
I don't need to keep everyone in my life all the time. Figuring out who's a "bridge" and who's a "destination" helps me keep in balance.
Wending Our Way...


March 6, 2024

Isaiah 48:6 ...From now on I will tell you of new things....
Time is like an escalator. Even if you just stand there, you'll wind up in a different place after a while.
Wending Our Way...

No Additional Purchases

March 05, 2024

Jonah 2:9 ...Salvation comes from the LORD.
I often use old envelopes as scratch paper. I'm now using an ancient one from a former financial advisor. It has a note stamped on the front: "Please Send Only Additional Purchases in this Envelope."
Of course this reminded me of Jesus, because one of the joys of our Christian walk is that there are no "additional purchases" once we accept His Gift of Salvation. Actually, there aren't any "initial purchases," either!
Where Salvation is concerned, Jesus has all the Purchasing Power - we're just the happy recipients of His Grace.
Wending Our Way...

Steeping Tea...and Growth

March 4, 2024

Ecclesiastes 3:11 ...He has made everything beautiful in its time.
I just grabbed a cup of tea and a couple of graham crackers. As I waited for the tea to brew, I got to thinking about how the tea develops greater fragrance, depth and flavor as it steeps. The longer it steeps, the better it becomes.
People are like that, too. The longer we "steep" in life, the stronger, more fragrant and more skillful we become. Sometimes we become more compassionate, too. When I look at younger folks (or folks who are simply different from me), I often look at them like tea bags. If they haven't been steeping as long as I have, maybe we're just in two different places - and that's OK.
We each fill our own little places in life and steeping takes time.
Wending Our Way...

Lent #3...The Strength Of The Spider

March 2, 2024

Hebrews 6:12 ...imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.
We can all appreciate the strength of oxen because they're so huge and so beautifully muscled and can move really big stuff so easily; but spiders, tiny though they often are, show several different kinds of strength: patience, openness and release.
Have you ever watched a spider quietly build its web, then crawl off to a nearby spot and await the arrival of some unsuspecting insect? Spiders have a built-in capacity to accept delays without getting anxious. Spiders also know when to let go. When they've consumed the fluids within an insect, they cut the insect shell out of their web, let it drop, and then go about fixing the hole in the web. If an overly-large insect gets caught up in the web, ( a grasshopper, for instance) , the spider simply waits for the insect to exhaust itself, then cuts it out of the web and lets it drop away. They don't fuss about letting go of useless stuff. And finally, spiders are receptive to open-ended travel plans. When building webs, they often let out a strand of webbing, launch themselves into the air, and float along until they land somewhere. That "somewhere" then becomes a new anchor for their web.
Patience, openness and release - these are all strengths we share with spiders and with Jesus. I invite you to explore these strengths in their many hosts as you journey through this Lenten Season.
Wending Our Way...

Contribution Or Responsibility

March 1, 2024

2 Chronicles 24:10 ...And all the people brought their contributions gladly [for rebuilding the Temple]....
My sister tells me I have an over-functioning GPS...that's Good Person Syndrome. She's right. I DO like doing for others and can easily do it to excess. I read an interesting related comment in a novel last year. A mentor was trying to steer a young co-worker away from over-functioning on the job. The mentor said, "You can CONTRIBUTE to things without being RESPONSIBLE FOR them." Hmmm...interesting thought!
I often feel overly responsible for all sorts of things, people, events, feelings, outcomes and happenings. But in reality, a lot of stuff is beyond my control and I can't possibly be responsible for it - but I CAN contribute to stuff without becoming drained.
This is actually quite freeing. It reminds me to give what I can and not try to control everything. Maybe I'll stick a note on my mirror so I don't forget!
Wending Our Way...

Flapping Starlings And Thoughts

February 29, 2024

John 10:12 ...Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it.
We had about thirty starlings in our back yard the other day. They descended in a great flock and spread out across the grass as they hunted for food. (What they're finding this time of the year is beyond me!)Anyway - they're a flighty bunch. Sometimes something spooks them (not likely a wolf) and in an instant they all flap off together, regroup and, in time, drop back down into the yard to continue feeding.
My thoughts can be like those starlings. Great bunches of them can travel together, feeding on whatever's available in my mind. Then some external or internal "wolf" spooks me and my thoughts bolt off, looking for safety as they scatter around my mental landscape. Then, like the starlings, they regroup and resettle in my tired brain.
Flapping off, I like to remind myself, is a perfectly normal thing at times. I just have to give time, time - and eventually I'll move into a place where fruitful thinking is more likely to occur.
Wending Our Way...

Tied Up In Nots

February 28, 2024

Ezekiel 4:8 ...I will tie you up with ropes so that you cannot turn from one side to the other....
Yesterday I was typing something, missed a letter and wound up with "tied up in nots" instead of "tied up in knots." What an insightful typo!
Being Tied-Up-in-Nots is draining, discouraging, frustrating, unpromising and just plain hard to withstand. It can sound like: I'm not attractive enough. People aren't kind or forgiving. I don't like my job. I'm sick of my neighbors. I hate squirrels! And on and on....
Gratitude loosens the "nots" and brings us to a more peaceful place, giving us a renewed appreciation of the many blessings that constantly surround us.
Wending Our Way...

Nutmeg Christianity

February 27, 2024

3:19 ...for dust you are and to dust you shall return.
I've often used nutmeg in recipes. It lends a pleasant, slightly sweet taste, especially to baked goods. As my ground nutmeg dwindles down in its jar, it leaves behind a dusty residue - and finally disappears altogether.
We must be "Nutmeg Christians." That's because we, too, are supposed to add a pleasant sweetness to the lives we touch; and we, too, will one day return to dust, disappear and then head off to our wonderfully sweet Heavenly Home.
Wending Our Way...

My Second Home

February 26, 2024

Genesis 30:25 ... [Jacob speaking]..."Send me on my way so I can go back to my own homeland."
Back in December I read a murder mystery in which a rich socialite left his enormous mansion in London and traveled to his "cottage" in the Cotswolds. He thought of his mansion as his home and his "cottage" as his second home.
That got me thinking: since my Home is actually in heaven, earth is my second home - a temporary dwelling but not my Forever-Home.
This thought brings me a bit of peace on difficult days because I know someday I'll be headed Home again.
Wending Our Way...

Lent #2...Strength Of Oxen

February 24, 2024

Psalms 144:14 ...our oxen will draw heavy loads....
Oxen were used for many things in biblical times: they pulled loads (as in our scripture today), plowed fields (Job 1:14), treaded the grain (Dt. 25:4; Pr. 14:4), and were offered as sacrifices (2 Sam. 24:22). Their physical strength was clearly visible as they worked daily to move heavy loads, dig up rocky fields, turn enormous mill-wheels, and then finally to offer their very lives as a final gift.
As we meander along on our annual Lenten walk, I invite you to reflect on two things: (1) When did Jesus exhibit physical strength during His ministry on earth; what were His goals at the time; and what was the outcome of His use of bodily power? (2) When do you find yourself performing physically demanding tasks; who has benefited from your gift of strength; how have you been blessed if physical strength is one of your attributes?
All ministries (ours and Christ's) rely heavily on pure physical strength at times. Weakness can't get God's work done. May you be blessed with abundant strength as you walk God's Hallowed Pathways!
Wending Our Way...

Don't Kick Too Soon!

February 23, 2024

Proverbs 19:11 ...A man's wisdom gives him patience....
I just had a chat with a woman who used to teach basic soccer skills to six-year olds. She said that one of the things Newbies do is run down the field, kicking at nothing all the way. This wastes time and energy and fouls up one's aim just when it's needed. It's a hard habit to break and it takes a lot of practice to get the kids to kick only when they're addressing the ball.
It works like that in life sometimes. I can expend a lot of time and energy (mentally and physically) before I actually arrive at my target. (I don't have to fuss over next week's overly-full schedule until I get to Monday. I don't need to dust around the Christmas decorations. I can wait until I take them down and do a more thorough job.)
I find it helpful to remind myself to stop "kicking at nothing." I should wait until I'm near my target, then fire away!!
Wending Our Way...

Row, Row, Row...

February 22, 2024

John 6:16,17 ...When evening came, his disciples went down to the lake, where they got into a boat and set off across the lake for Capernaum.
Last week I drove by a strange sight. An old rowboat had been abandoned in someone's back yard. It just sat there in the tall grass, quietly rotting away and cluttering up the landscape. So - here are a few Rowboat Thoughts:
1. We have to get our "boats" into the water (a place that allows for movement) if we're going to be used by God. God can't steer boats in the grass. (Sometimes I think of our "boats" as being our minds and our bodies.) 2. We have to get IN the boat. We must be fully present and willing to move. We can't just stand on the shore and wave. 3. We have to row! Whatever situation we're in, we have to do the necessary work in order to achieve success. 4. We must have a destination to aim for. We might not know all the details, but if we head in the right direction, God will see that we get to where we belong. 5. We must trust Jesus to get into the boat with us.
I think of us all, faithfully rowing amid the storms and calms and pleasantries of life - an Armada of Love sent by God.
Wending Our Way...

Trade Ya!

February 21, 2024

John 17:20b ... [Jesus speaking] "I pray for those who will believe in me...."
I got to thinking about trading today. Kids used to trade baseball cards, marbles and valentines. As an adult I trade books, knitting patterns and jokes with a number of people.
How about trading prayers? Most of us do that all the time. We trade prayers with other people - and also with Jesus. (Check out Jn. 17: 6-26) Jesus is constantly trading prayers. They must whiz around heaven just as they do here on earth. What a comforting thought!
Wending Our Way...

Knitting Or Linting?

February 20, 2024

Proverbs 8:13 ...I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech.
The other day I went to type "knitting" on the computer, hit a few keys wrong and wound up with "linting." Sheesh!! Not even close! But it made me think: Are there times when I think I'm "knitting" (doing something thoughtful and useful) but there's a touch of "linting" in my production? Do I occasionally shed bits of impatience, pride, judgmentalism and self-focus along with my works-in-progress?
Sometimes I need to reflect not on WHAT I'm doing but on my MOTIVATION for doing it. Occasionally a bit of "lint" might be mixed in with my "knitting."
Wending Our Way...

African Violet...or Cactus?

February 19, 2024

Galatians 2:6 ...God does not judge by external appearance....
Cec gave me a Christmas cactus last fall. She'd had it for a while and isn't a plant person, so she passed it along. The plant itself was in a 3" brown plastic pot, but Cec had dropped it into a 4 ½" blue plastic pot so it would be more stable while traveling to my house. The blue pot had a bright sticker on it saying: "African Violet." (Someone had given her a violet years ago and she still had the old pot.)
Naturally the cactus wasn't a violet. I knew that, but someone who didn't know plants might think it was a violet. The sticker could be misleading unless someone knew more.
That made me think: If I judge someone else solely by the label they appear to display, I could be grossly misled, too. I need to look at what's inside the human vessels around me and not jump to conclusions based on appearances alone.
Wending Our Way...

Lent #1 Strength

February 17, 2024

Luke 22:43 ...An angel from heaven appeared to [Jesus] and strengthened him.
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, which commemorates Christ's forty days in the desert as He was praying, fasting and enduring Satan's temptations. (Lk. 4: 1-13) As the Season proceeds, we will move from the desert to the Mount of Olives (where Jesus prayed before His arrest).
How in the world did Jesus manage to survive both of these experiences as well as His trial, crucifixion, death, burial and resurrection??!! How did He make it TO the resurrection?! Luke 22:43 gives us a clue: an angel strengthened Him.
Today I'm reflecting on the kinds of strength the angel may have imparted to Jesus...and the kinds of strength we may find within ourselves as we journey along. Although angels may not appear to US in difficult times, Christ's centuries-old strength infills us as we walk our individual pathways to heaven. As we journey through this Lenten Season, I invite you to reflect on the earthly and heavenly strength Jesus displayed during His short ministry; and to explore the strengths that reside within you as well.
Wending Our Way...

Assisted Living

February 16, 2024

Psalms 121:2 ...My help comes from the LORD...
I've known a number of people who've resided in assisted living communities. This gives them a nice mix of independent living and help-when-needed.
Actually, we all dwell in "assisted living" places. We all rely on lots of stuff: medications, eye drops, canes, glasses, clocks, TVs, computers, heating pads, hearing aids, chairs, cars, microwaves....
And we Christians have other Assistants Who stand near, ready to guide and support: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. All stand ready to assist in our daily struggles here and to roam with us companionably-- and forever-- in Heaven.
Wending Our Way...


February 15, 2024

Matthew 25:31 ...The Son of Man comes in his glory.
My sister plays the dulcimer. She belongs to a group that plays locally. The players keep their music in individual plastic sleeves. This works just fine in subdued lighting, but overhead lighting (like in nursing homes) creates a glare on the page that makes it impossible to read the notes. The players have to pull their song sheets out of the sleeves when they're performing with overhead lighting.
Naturally this reminded me of Jesus! That's because He doesn't "glare" at us. When He returns, I'm sure He'll let His full Glory shine, but for now, His full Glory would blind us and make us unable to function. We do see bits of His Glory at times, though: the first radiance of sunrise, a candle's gentle glow, lighted windows on a cloudless night, star-shine and moonlight, sun-sparkles on glistening snow.
God's Glory is always with us, but we won't be able to perceive it fully for a while yet.
Wending Our Way...

Gossamer Touches

February 9, 2024

1 Peter 3:4 ...the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit....
Our kitchen window screen has a long, glistening strand of spider web on it. Back in warmer weather, a spider must've been venturing past on its journey to wherever and its trailing web blew against the screen. There's no evidence of the spider today (too cold out!), but his/her gossamer touch remains.
Like the spider, we can bring Gossamer Touches to others' lives - and others do the same for us. Many times, blessings come in delicate, unobtrusive ways with almost-invisible benefits and gentle awakenings.
Not all blessings bowl us over with pomp and circumstance. Watch out for Gossamer Touches - evidence of God's gentle, loving presence.
Wending Our Way...

Google Or Goofle

February 8, 2024

Ezekiel 22:1 ...The word of the LORD came to me....
The other day I went to type "Google" and wound up with "Goofle." It gave me a chuckle, but it occurred to me that we can get awfully goofed up when we go Googling for information. It's easy to wind up with misinformation or conflicting information.
Fortunately, we have God's word (the Bible) as a guide when we're hunting for information or answers. We also have friends, authors, pastors and therapists who can provide sound advice.
Blessings on the journey - and may your Googling never turn into Goofling!
Wending Our Way...


February 7, 2024

Genesis 22:6 ...As the two of them went on together....
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. African Proverb
Wending Our Way...

Tulips, Daisies...and Snow!

February 6, 2024

Ecclesiastes 3:11 ...He has made everything beautiful in its time.
Back on November 28 we had our first snow. It was a snow squall, really, but it blew and snowed like mad for a while! It was brutally cold and the grass and cars quickly got covered with iridescent white. (Here's a completely useless digression: If we say 'blow' and 'snow', why don't' we say 'blowed' and 'snowed'?)
Well anyway - as I looked out at the raging mini-storm, I was reminded of pink tulips and white daisies. They're two of my favorites. They remind me of the warmth and vitality of spring, although they bloom at different times. Tulips bloom in spring but daisies wait until summer.
People are like that, too. They bloom at different times. If I'm judging someone for not blooming at the right time, maybe it's because they haven't come into their blooming season yet. A bit more time and grace might be all they need.
Wending Our Way...


February 05, 2024

Ecclesiastes 3:1 ...There is a time for everything....
I drove past a bar/pizzeria the other day. On a big marquis outside, a colorful sign proclaimed: "Untapped Beer List Inside!" I guess that'd be a draw for people who prefer bottled beer.
"Untapped" and "Inside" stuck with me. It made me think: Do I have any gifts or talents inside that remain untapped? Is there any smidgen of grace still nestled within me that the Good Lord could use to bless His people? Is there any tiny unsprouted seed lying unseen that might feed others?
Especially as we get older, we can't always function as we used to. Sometimes new avenues of service open up if explore what quietly lies within.

Click here to read the Walter Mouse devotions.

Walter Mouse

Walter Mouse