Author Pam Frame

Pam Frame

Walter Mouse And "Field Mouse Evangelism"

Daily Devotionals: Squeaks, Mousetails, Whiskers of Love and Mousetracks In The Snow

Have you ever tried to read the Bible, but found you couldn't quite understand it, or that it just didn't really speak to you? Maybe "Field Mouse Evangelism" will help - it's a fresh way of looking at every-day things!

Meet Walter, a field mouse who lives with his human friend Bill. A real animal-lover, Bill takes Walter with him nearly everywhere he goes - Walter is usually in one of Bill's jacket pockets.

Walter nibbles on the Word quite regularly, and he makes insightful and refreshing scriptural connections about our very human walk. Walter has a truly uncommon common-sense approach, and he enjoys showing us how the Word of God can be applied in our own lives - and his writings have become known as "Field Mouse Evangelism."

Walter's books Squeaks, Mousetails, Whiskers of Love and Mousetracks In The Snow are collections of devotional messages for adults.

Walter's "mouse's-eye-view" of every-day occurrences make it easy for Walter's readers to nod in understanding agreement with the way he looks at things. Each devotion takes just a few minutes to read, but his observations are thought-provoking and make the reader want to keep coming back for more.

Pam Frame, the author and creator of Walter Mouse, sends weekly "Field Mouse Evangelism" devotional emails. Each devotion is a selection from Squeaks, Mousetails, Whiskers of Love and Mousetracks In The Snow or other books that Walter is working on.

In addition to the "Field Mouse Evangelism" devotions, Pam writes the "Wending Our Way" series of devotions and sends them via email to her subscribers.

If you would like to receive the "Field Mouse Evangelism" and "Wending Our Way" Walter's devotions via email, visit the Subscribe page of this website.

You can learn more about Walter and Bill and their many friends, on the Walter and His Friends page of this website.

Join Walter for gentle and uplifting walks through scripture!

Walter Mouse

Walter Mouse